Travel Fail: Real Tonga Airlines

Travel Fail: Real Tonga Airlines

Geography lesson:  Tonga is made up of four main island groups. The southern island group and big island are both called Tongatapu, with the capital named Nuku’alofa.  The biggest cruising port is in the Vava’u island group, on ʻUtu Vavaʻu island, the town of Neiafu. Traveling full time is wonderful for the most part, but it can be…

Vava’u, Tonga: Neiafu

Vava’u, Tonga: Neiafu

Through our years of travel on our sailboat, Starry Horizons, Tonga has been one of our favorite stops.  We spent a month in Vava’u in 2016 and liked it so much we came back in 2017 for another month. What’s So Great About Tonga? Tonga is undeveloped when compared to Tahiti, Bora Bora, or Fiji. …