The Beginning


Last Updated on January 9, 2021 by Amy

Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did.  So throw off the bowlines.  Sail away from the safe harbor.  Catch the trade winds in your sails.  Explore.  Dream.  Discover.

That quote has been attributed to Mark Twain, but even if it was said by someone else, it is wholly appropriate for this journey.  Today, I sit behind my desk, lines still attached to the dock, but I know that we’re starting to work towards the day where we’ll be able to point our bow out of the marina and set off to explore this great blue marble we live on.  For several years, the Admiral (a nickname of my wife’s choosing) and I have dreamed about taking off on our own circumnavigation.  That day will not be tomorrow, nor is it likely to be in the immediate future, but we are already undertaking the steps necessary to make the dream happen.

This blog will help chronicle our process of searching for a boat, getting that boat ready and then eventually will document our trip when we decide we’re ready to begin.  The Admiral and I will both be writing posts as we each want to share and remember experiences from our own points of view.  Years from now, we hope to be able to look back on this blog and enjoy all the memories we’ve created together.  And in the meantime, we look forward to sharing our adventure with you and perhaps providing a bit of inspiration to discover and follow your own dreams.


  1. Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.

    These words resonate in my head daily. Your adventures inspire me, your dreams have become mine. I am 51 now, soon to be on my own and my plan is to sail around the world as you have, meeting new friends, marking new places. Your boat and your adventure is exactly what I am looking for, my dreams will come true.

    Thank you for taking your time to create the capsule of memories from which we can all learn and dream and live with you.

  2. Did you ever consider buying a monohull, instead the multihull you ended up purchasing? IF so, what was the decision making process you followed?

    1. Hey Eduardo. We had a very brief discussion about buying a mono, but quickly decided that a catamaran was the type of boat for us. We like the extra space, the no heeling and the better views from the salon. So we didn’t even get to the point of looking at any specific mono models.

  3. Dear Admiral and Captain, I have enjoyed reading your blog and following your decisions. It sounds like my husband and I have goals that are similar to yours. We bought a Helia last year and currently have it in charter in the BVIs until we are able to live aboard. We were lucky in that the original purchaser of our Helia backed out, so we were able to buy hull #4. We didn’t have the build options and decisions you have, but we are very pleased with the 4 cabin version of our Helia so far. For now we visit our future home as often as we can and gather experience to prepare us for the future. I look forward to reading about your decisions and choices and learning from them.

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